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Writer's pictureCJ


Updated: May 6, 2020


Circulate this message via letter to every elected official: sheriffs, senators, representatives, county boards, mayors, city halls. Next, we declare our independence. As impossible and impassable as it seems, we are stronger than the enemy and they know it.

Freedom is essential, we possess our fundamental rights at all times and in every capacity. These include, but are not limited to, freedoms to move, travel, speak and assemble. We need no permission to exercise them. There is no authority in our state or national constitutions to suspend or violate our fundamental rights in an emergency.

The data cannot support the measure of the response. The corona statistics are being inflated by flawed testing, assumptions and false attribution to the virus as the sole cause of death. Public health authorities continue to be wrong, acted on imperfect data, contradicted themselves, and exaggerated or were negligent in telling us its severity. Their assumptions were wrong, then and now. We were lied to; this ends now. We can have safety, freedom and an open economy at the same time if you didn’t know. Honor your oath.

Furthermore, the response by governments hasn’t stopped the spread of the disease; life cannot be made risk free. One month has passed since these emergency measures were taken; no evidence exists that societal lock downs were beneficial and in fact isolation causes depression. Your time is up. We immediately demand that travel restrictions be removed, the local economy be opened and to stop coercion through fear.

We hereby demand this amendment be introduced and included in the emergency powers declarations of the governor, counties and mayors: “No emergency powers granted herein shall be construed or interpreted to allow any official decree to violate the fundamental rights guaranteed to citizens in Article 1, Sections 1,2,8,9,26,27,33 of the Oregon constitution or any of the bill of rights of the United States constitutions.”


May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.


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